Complete Coastal and River Solutions

At Coastal Hydrographic, we aim to co-create value with our customers by providing the skills and equipment to make Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry accessible to all who have an interest in mapping the coast and shallow water environments.

We specialise in the use of Airborne Topographic / Bathymetric LIDAR systems which allow us to undertake remote and large areas quickly and efficiently. Advances in the Leica sensor technology and turbid water processing techniques mean that complete seamless datasets across the land and sea interface, and very shallow water are now possible.

Our skills combined with the latest generation Leica Chiroptera II Topographic Bathymetric LIDAR Shallow Water system, the Leica Hawkeye III deep water system, and Leica RCD30 medium format 80Mp aerial imagery, allows Coastal Hydrographic to offer a complete coastal survey solution.


Activities we undertake:

• Complete Bathymetric LiDAR  data collection

• Award winning ‘end to end’ project management

• Initial area reconnaissance/recommendations

• Geodetics and GNSS processing and support

• Bathymetric data processing and quality control

Products offered:

• Fully classified LAS data

• Seamless Coastal DTM’s

• Colorized Point clouds

• 80 MP Full Ortho Rectified Aerial Imagery

• Normalised Seabed Intensity

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