Posts by Coastal Hydrographic

2016 Airborne UGM in Barcelona


Coastal Hydrographic was pleased to attend the annual Leica user group meeting in Barcelona in February.  As Leica is a world leading company in airborne data capture, there were many thought-provoking presentations and workshops to attend.

It was inspiring to meet people from across the industry and to hear about the new innovations and techniques used in a range of projects.



Presenting at the Hydrographic Symposium


Hydro 2015

Coastal Hydrographic has attended the Australasian Hydrographic symposium held in Cairns.  It was a highly successful event, with many interesting topics covered.

Nigel Townsend present two papers, including ‘Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry (ALB) – An emerged Technology or Uneconomical Distraction – Is it the key to mapping our Coastlines’.  We hope this gave people an insight into Bathymetric LiDAR, and helped to show some of the recent improvements and benefits of such a survey.

The conference was a great success, and we look forward to attending one again in the future.

Australasian Hydrographic Symposium

Coastal Hydrographic will be travelling to Cairns for the annual Australasian Hydrographic Symposium in November.

Nigel Townsend will be giving two presentations over the course of the conference, which are:

Shallow water Coastal, Estuary and River Mapping using Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Systems

Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry (ALB) – An emerged Technology or Uneconomical Distraction – Is it the key to mapping our Coastlines

We will attend the full 4 days and are available to discuss the use of this technology with all who are interested, so please feel free to approach us.

We look forward to what should be an exciting event.


Spatial Information Day

Coastal Hydrographic attended Spatial Information Day in Adelaide on Friday 14th of August. It was great to catch up with former colleagues and meet new people alike.

There were many interesting projects that were discussed, from advancements in data capture, innovative processing techniques, to new directions for the industry.

These events are vital for the industry and those who work in it, and we were happy to be a part of the day.

1 year for Coastal Hydrographic

1 Year CelebrationCoastal Hydrographic has marked its one year anniversary!  We celebrated our achievements, and discussed the exciting possibilities for the future.



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