Kirsty Watson – Geo-Information Specialist (BGis)

Kirsty began her Geo-Information career in 1999 at the University of South Australia. In this time she studied spatial disciplines including GIS, Remote Sensing, Geo-informatics and Surveying. She worked for several Australian State governments and Utilities before embarking on her career in LiDAR and related Geo-Information.


Kirsty has 8 years’ experience working with bathymetric, topographic and MBES datasets for coastal mapping projects, specialising in the merging, generation and delivery of final datasets, and the management and workflow of these tasks. Kirsty has worked in both field and office positions, and is a proficient airborne operator in the collection of LiDAR Data.

Kirsty has been involved in field LiDAR Survey operations around the world including Western Europe, the Middle East, the French Caribbean, and Australia.


Kirsty’s key skills include:

  • Coastal and Shallow Water Hydrographic Surveying and Bathymetric LiDAR.
  • Bathymetric and Topographic / Shallow Water Bathymetric Data Collection, Processing and Quality Control.
  • Management of data structures, data processing and product creation workflows, with organisation of resources for both small and large-scale LiDAR Projects.
  • Experience over many different projects with varying output requirements, including GIS and Cartographic Map Production, Batch Modelling in Arc GIS, Image Mosaicing, Seamless DEM and contour creation, with metadata creation and management.


For a copy of Kirsty’s complete profile, please email us at:


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