Posts in category Contract Awards

Japan Project Update



With the Japanese data collection well underway, we are reminded again of all the factors that can affect the quality of Bathymetric LiDAR, including weather and its’ after affects, the importance of reconnaissance to gain a full understanding of the survey area, and an appreciation of the dynamic nature of water quality.

Coastal Hydrographic has been building on our extensive skill set, and expanding our intricate knowledge of working with river data and datums, and the new challenges it brings to the bathymetric world.

Please visit our new photo gallery section to see some of our experiences in Japan.

Japan project now commenced

Coastal Hydrographic has arrived in Japan. We are looking forward to a successful project.


Coastal Hydrographic wins Japan contract

Coastal Hydrographic has been awarded a contract to work with Leica/AHAB.  We will be  providing specialist  technical expertise for a demonstration of the new Hawkeye III system.  The demonstration survey will involve both rivers and coastlines.

Coastal Hydrographic delivers its first data sets

Coastal Hydrographic has now delivered its first bathymetric data sets as a subcontractor to AeroData International Surveys.

Working over the Christmas and New Year period, data was processed for 15 sorties in the Languedoc-Roussillon area of France, for the Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (SHOM).

Data how now been successfully delivered to the customer.


Subcontracting in the South Of France

We are currently working as a subcontractor on the South Coast of France, providing technical Project Management for a large Airborne LiDAR project, including data management, and data review and QC.


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